My mother and grandmother took my sister and I to the boardwalk for the first time in the early 70′. Her parents had taken her there many times while she was growning up in the 50’s. Being a rollar coaster fanatic, she took me on the Giant Dipper. We rode many times. After I grew up and had children of my own I started taking them to the Boardwalk once or twice a summer. My mom took each of my children on their first rides on the Dipper as soon as they were tall enough. The last time we went with her was in 1996. She was suffering from cancer of the spine and hips. She rode the Dipper 3 times that day even though the movement was very painful in her condition. She loved that ride. We lost her that fall. Eventually we moved out of state, but still return once every summer to enjoy the Boardwalk. I always ride once alone in rememberance of that last day my mother rode the Dipper.