The first place I ever worked for an extended period of time (three years) was as a ride operator in Area III. Our supervisor was a gentleman named John Busé. John had worked at the Boardwalk a long time. As the Area Supervisor, his job consisted of riding herd over us kids. I know it couldn’t have been easy, when most of your workforce is fresh out of high school. We were eager and capable, but we were also teenagers, and had the minds and attention spans to match. John worked hard, first by trying to set a good example for us, always being on time at work, always being attired appropriately. He treated us with respect, he was stern with us when we needed it, but he was also friendly and approachable. We really did love him, and we showed our affection by naming our Boardwalk Olympics (an extracurricular activity for employees) team, “John’s Boys”. I still have my team t-shirt around here somewhere.
John finally retired not too long after I had moved on to another job, and I heard later that he had sadly passed away a couple of months after retirement. I really credit him for beginning my education on how to act in the workplace, and how to treat customers and co-workers. I wrote this as a tribute to him, and I hope he knew how much we loved him!